Save Mini : a Wounded Stray Baby


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I’ve recently shared the last update on the story of Claudia the Cat.
Now it’s time to make a difference for another little darling. Meet Mini. Please, please SHARE and donate if you can. We already did. Every dollar counts. Even if all you can spare is $1. Imagine if all of us donate $1 today. Can we get a thousand people donating one dollar? I know times are tight for everyone. I understand, even if I am a cat and not a human.
So if you can’t donate, then please share. Let’s help Mini get the life she deserves! Just think, how wonderful it will be when she too finds a forever home!

He'Art of Rescue

She is one of the millions of stray cats roaming free in the streets of İstanbul , her mother , an unknown soul to us, is probably one of the most skilled felines of the city …

She has to be ; surviving in the big metropolitan city with only your bare minimum needs met is not an easy task when you channel most of your energy into protecting your baby.
It is not always possible though.
Often , if it is not a car that takes your most precious away , it is the human cruelty.

Mini’s story started just like many others,the moment she fell apart from her mother , she became a prey to the dangers of the world…
A world mostly dominated by human race,thus a world where the rules are set by them.
The first 4 months of her life was not that bad …

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The tale of Lola Sincola (Tailess Lola)


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This story has a very sad, angering start but a very happy ending.

It happened in a country far, far away from mine. It is called Turkey and one of my human’s best friends since decades before I was born is currently living there.

One day, my human got an urgent message from her friend. There was a small cat around her house and it looked to be in distress. My human’s friend -while being a cat lover, had never cared for cats because she’s allergic.

My human tells me that when they were in school together, her friend would come to visit or to study and she would play with the cats. My human always had the allergy medication ready cause her eyes would start watering and she would start sniffling in less than 30 minutes!

Anyway, the friend was very worried. She put some food and water out but she could tell there was something very wrong with the cat. My human told her to try and trap the cat to take it to the vet. It turned out the cat didn’t need any trapping. As soon as the friend went out the house, the poor thing came running towards her like saying “please help me”

Now be strong. This is one of the first pictures the friend was able to take

Lola - burned tail

As it turned out, Lola’s tail was all burned. No clue on how that happened but the friend has the suspicion that some of the village’s kids did it. Apparently the cat -who at this point didn’t even have a name, would get really upset whenever there were little humans around.

The friend took the cat to the vet and they tried to preserve the tail. The friend said the vet cleaned the burns (I shudder to think of the pain) and they were sent home with no pain medication. Can you believe that? My human was angry when she heard! The poor cat wasn’t given any pain medication whatsoever *HISSS*

But! the friend was told the little cat was a female and about 6 or 7 months old.

When the friend took her back to the vet for the control appointment, it was clear that the tail had to be amputated.

At this point, my human’s friend was determined to adopt the kitty and do everything she could to bring her back to health. She named her Lola Sincola (Tailess Lola). She gave permission for the surgery and sat crossing fingers and toes that everything went well.

And guess what, it did!!!

Lola came out of surgery just fine and in no time, she was eating well and running around like a healthy kitten should do.

You can see how happy Little Lola is now.

Feel free to click on the pictures to see the bigger versions.

Lola Sincola is well taken cared of and absolutely adored by my human’s friend. She’s even had already her spay surgery and she wakes her human up every morning by licking her face and sending her running to the bathroom to take the allergy medicine 🙂

Isn’t Lola Sincola gorgeous?

Disclaimer: Story and photographs used with permission of Lola’s human. All copyright belongs to her! Please do not use without permission (I really should learn how to make those watermark thingies)

Remember Claudia?


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No, not my human. The other Claudia. Claudia the Cat.

I meant to tell you the good news a long time ago but I forgot.

I’m very happy to report that Claudia has a home now, with a loving human and a brother cat!!!

Claudia, at her arrival in Holland

Claudia, at her arrival in Holland, with Anita, her new human

Take a look at Claudia’s brother. His name is Jimmy:

Claudia's fur-bro

A million thanks to the people over at the He’Art of Rescue for all you did for Claudia and all you have done and continue to do for so many other doggies and kitties in need.

You have my admiration and respect.

It’s my birthday!


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keep calm  it's by birthday

Actually, we’ll party on our – Satchie and I, Gotcha Day next month but we can still celebrate a little today, right?

I am ten now. And still a bachelor. But who has time for ladycat friends when one has to take care of the tornado that is the kid? I have to be responsible, you know?

And now, because you asked for it, here’s a picture of me when I was a young fella.

Me and my first cat dancer. I was five months old here.  Love that toy.  It's the kid's favourite too

Me and my first cat dancer. Loved that toy. And now, it’s the kid’s favourite too

I was five months old in that one. Sadly, there aren’t any pictures of me at a younger age.

So, there you go. Hope you all had a good week. It’s Friday! Time to relax and spend time with the love ones.

Enjoy your weekend!

A year ago today


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Imagine that. The kid is one year old now!

Satchmo The Cat

I was born!


Or at least around that day, anyway. That’s what the nice lady vet said.

We’ll celebrate my Gotcha Day instead but I figured today was as good a day as any to check in and say hello.

We haven’t forgotten about all of you.

Both Jay and I are doing well.

It will be Jay’s B-day (as calculated by his vet back when he adopted mom) in 4 days. Mom can’t remember his Gotcha Day. Silly mom. She says it was either end of May or beginning of June. Definitely before her birthday. Mom says Jay was very young but not as young as I was when she found me.

Either way, we’ll have a BIG Gotcha Day party next month!

I’m also sending a big happy B-Day headbutt to Milton the Cat, who was born on April 15. Purrs to you from all of us…

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A note from my human: “Stupid, arrogant human beings that care more about having a “picture-perfect, magazine-material” dog than a companion. What we do to those poor puppies. My heart weeps”

Gardens For Goldens


I am angry.

Let me preface this with the understanding that this is a personal blog. When I speak here, I speak as an individual, not as a representative of the organization I volunteer with and love. With that out of the way…

There is a tremendous sense of fulfillment that comes with rescue. Blessings surround us daily. I heard a saying recently – “hard is hard”. There are certainly many hard things in rescue. Some of these are just strenuous physical challenges – some are difficult emotional challenges. I try to accept what comes our way with as much grace as possible: good people who surrender their dog through no fault of their own; others who surrender their dog for a myriad of reasons that, to me, are unfathomable (he got big; he got sick; my boyfriend doesn’t like him). I try to keep my judgement in check and…

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Killing Cats is NOT the solution


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Friends, I know I’ve been away for a long time. I haven’t forgotten about you. I hope you are all well. I miss visiting your blogs very much but you see, I’ve been very busy taking care of my human. I hope you can understand.

Breaking my radio silence today, because of this article from the daily email from National Geographic that made me very sad and angry. We’ve all been furious about that horrible video calling us killers and many other things. I know many of you have written post about that. And Mr Williams’ post is just another example of how dangerous misinformation can be. Of course it is good that he cares about birds and declining bird populations. However, killing one species in order to protect another can hardly be called a solution!

Volunteers hold feral kittens waiting to be spayed and neutered in the Florida Keys.
Photograph by Melissa Farlow, National Geographic

Please read -if you haven’t yet, Nat Geo’s article: Writer’s Call to Kill Feral Cats Sparks Outcry

I missed the original post by this -from a cat’s point of view, horrible person but I am very happy to hear that:

The magazine, published by one of the nation’s leading bird groups, has since suspended its contract with Williams and removed him as editor-at-large from its masthead.

However, the main problem remains. More and more, people are being convinced that cats are bad.

We need to keep educating people.

About how cats are just doing what nature intended them to do after millions of year of evolution. Being a predator is not being a killer. If that were the case, they we’d need to eradicate the big cats too because they’re killing and eating gazelles, and all sorts of other animals. If that were the case, we’d need to kill all predators in nature so only pray would remain.

We also need to keep educating people about the importance of neutering/spaying. About the fact that kittens are not toys to be given as a present and then discarded when they become adult cats. That it is morally wrong to toss out a senior cat that has been with you for years and years, because he/she now needs medical attention.

We need to support no-kill shelters by volunteering, by donating when we can, by continuing to write about the issues. But contacting our government to ask for better policies in dealing with feral and strays cats.

My human and I thank you for all your efforts, past, present and future.

Family Day


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Today is Family Day for us.

We’re having a low key day, just hanging out and taking it easy. Specially after the weekend. The human was so busy we barely saw her in the last three days.


Like a boss

I love low key days like these. No running around, just chilling. Or should I say, warming? It’s cold still for us. Although not as cold today as it was on Saturday. I like to sit by the heater. It feels good in my old bones.

Happy Family Day or Presidents Day or whatever day you celebrate today.